HH1218 Hobbymaster AH-64D Apache “Operation Enduring Freedom” Q-05, RNLAF, 2000s

PRICE: £74.99 incl VAT (RRP £100.00, SAVING £25.01)

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Now in stock. Limited Edition worldwide only 400 pieces.
Hobbymaster 1/72nd scale
AH-64D Apache
"Operation Enduring Freedom"

RRP £100.00

Model Description

Hobbymaster 1/72nd scale HH1218 AH-64D Apache “Operation Enduring Freedom” Q-05, RNLAF, 2000s. Buy online at Flying Tigers.


The AH-64E Apache Guardian was originally designated AH-64D Block III in 2012 but because of its advanced capabilities compared to previous variants it was renamed. Everything about the AH-64E is bigger and better or improved when compared to earlier variants. A large number of improvements are meant to protect the crew from guns up to 27 mm rounds as well as crash resistant seats. Equipped with new sensors, avionics and night operation capabilities the AH-64E also has the ability to control UAVs.

RRP £100.00

Weight 650 g

Model Type


Historical Era

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Model Code: HH1218

Model categories:
1/72nd scale Helicopters, Boeing AH-64 Apache, HobbyMaster Aviation, Military Aviation