HG4216 Hobbymaster U.S. 1/4 ton Military Vehicle US 3rd Army, 1945 “Gen. Douglas MacArthur”

PRICE: £20.99 incl VAT (RRP £25.00, SAVING £4.01)

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Now in stock. Small restock.
Limited Edition.

HobbyMaster 1/72nd scale
U.S. 1/4 ton Military Vehicle
US 3rd Army
"Gen. Douglas MacArthur"

RRP  £25.00

Model Description

Hobbymaster 1/72nd scale HG4216 U.S. 1/4 ton Military Vehicle US 3rd Army, 1945 “Gen. Douglas MacArthur”. Available to pre-order at Flying Tigers.


Wanting to replace their outdated light vehicles the U.S. Military received three tenders. Bantam Car Company was the initial winner but couldn’t meet demand so the job went to Willys-Overland Motors. Willys was to take the best design features of the three submitted tenders and build a standardised vehicle. Eventually in order to meet an even greater demand the Ford Motors Company was asked to build a similar vehicle. During World War II there was a total of 647,870 Jeeps produced by the three companies; Willys Overland produced 362,841 of them.

RRP  £25.00

Weight 650 g
Historical Era


Model Type


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Model Code: HG4216

Model categories:
Diecast Military Vehicles, Hobbymaster Diecast Military Vehicles